Foundation and Development

Verna McClain Student Emergency Fund Reception: September 26

Join us for the upcoming annual Verna McClain Student Emergency Fund Reception presented by U.S. Bank on September 26! Click here to RSVP or make a donation now!

Foundation and Development


South Mountain Community College provides higher education for our diverse community. We create a caring teaching and learning environment that nurtures student development and supports productive citizenship.

Join our friends, alumni, employees, and investors and support South Mountain Community College with a gift that will bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of a life-transforming education for our students.

Philanthropy Statement

Community Colleges serve as a gateway to higher education.  The Maricopa County Community Colleges are a valuable resource for students, and play a central role in the economic vitality and workforce training of our community.

Philanthropic support of the Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation by generous faculty, staff, alumni, and friends, improves college access, increases educational opportunity, and positively impacts countless lives.