Important Dates and Deadlines

Important Dates and Deadlines

FA Book Advances Begin: Book advances will be issued no earlier than 5 business days before the start of the students earliest class.
Semester Start Date: 1/11/2025
Consortium Agreements Due: 1/21/2025
SAP/MTF Appeal Deadline ***: 4 weeks prior to end of the student's last class for the term
Pell Recalculation **: 1/21/2025
Financial Aid Disbursement Starts: 1/24/2025
Financial Aid Disbursement for Late Start Classes: 1/29/2025
Financial Aid Disbursement for Late Start Classes 7 business days after first class start date
30-Day Delay Loan Disbursements: 1st disbursement is released 30 days after your earliest class start date.
2nd Disbursement Date for Loans (one semester loans only): 3/18/2025
Last Day of the Semester: 5/9/2025
**Pell awards offered prior to the recalculation date will not be increased for any credits added after the recalculation date.  
*** Last day to submit Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeals and Maximum Timeframe Appeals. Requests submitted after this date will be considered for the following semester.  

FA Book Advances Begin Book advances will be issued no earlier than 5 business days before the start of the students earliest class.
Semester Start Date 5/27/2025
Consortium Agreements Due 5/29/2025
SAP/MTF Appeal Deadline *** 4 weeks prior to end of the student's last class for the term
Pell Recalculation ** 5/29/2025
Financial Aid Disbursement Starts  
Financial Aid Disbursement for Late Start Classes  7 business days after first class start date
30-Day Delay Loan Disbursements 1st disbursement is released 30 days after your earliest class start date.
2nd Disbursement Date for Loans (one semester loans only) 2nd Disbursement Date for Loans (one semester loans only) 6/12/2025 for 8 week classes and 7/8/2025 for 10 week classes
Last Day of the Semester 7/31/2025
**Pell awards offered prior to the recalculation date will not be increased for any credits added after the recalculation date.
*** Last day to submit Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeals and Maximum Timeframe Appeals.  Requests submitted after this date will be considered for the following semester.