

Presented by the SMCC Sustainability Committee

Learn More About the Biodiversity Around Us!

To participate in SMCC's Bioblitz: document the wild living things you see using your phone between April 15 and April 20.

What's a Bioblitz? It's an event where we capture photos of wild living things over a week to raise awareness of biodiversity!

Participants will use their phones and the iNaturalist app to document their observations. We'll provide a video guide on how to participate, and all details will be available on our project page on iNaturalist.

Download the flyer for more information!

We will be offering prizes in 3 categories for the SMCC student with:

  1. The largest total number of observations (pictures) of wild living things
  2. The largest total number of on campus observations (pictures) of wild living things
  3. The largest number of species observed (i.e. the greatest biodiversity)

Winners will be announced during the Earth Week film screenings at the South Mountain Community Library on Wednesday, April 24. 11:30am - Chasing Carbon Zero 12:30pm - Bioblitz winners will be announced 1:00 pm - Weathering the Future

Please watch this short video to learn how to use iNaturalist.

Contact Danielle Carlock if you have any questions at

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