HOOP of Learning

HOOP of Learning

Program Overview

The Maricopa Community Colleges District HOOP Of Learning (HOL) Program is a high school to college scholarship bridge program specifically tailored to meet the academic and cultural needs of American Indian Students. HOL focused on empowering our American Indian youth by using the universal concept of a medicine wheel (hence Hoop Of Learning), which focuses on Emotional, Mental, Physical & Spiritual health of well-being.


The HOOP of Learning program was implemented in the summer of 1995 in response to concerns voiced by Native parents in an urban high school district in Phoenix, Arizona. These voices influenced the high school and a local community college which formed a partnership committee to provide an educational program for Native students, now referred to as the Hoop of Learning. The HOOP of Learning is a high school to college bridge program. It is designed to foster cultural resilience and career development among Native Students.=


The goals of South Mountain’s HOOP Program have always been building our next American Indian generation both in academics and empowering self-identity through cultural appreciation. To give the students a competitive, comprehensive advantage in their journey towards higher education. Participants in the HOL Scholarship Program receive the following:

  1. Tuition
  2. Books
  3. Bus Passes
  4. Cultural Activities and field trips
  5. On-campus experience and resources: tutoring, counseling, library, computer lab, one on one advising and more

HOOP of Learning Program Goals

  1. Increase high school retention and high school graduation rates
  2. Increase American Indian participation and matriculation rates into college
  3. Create the conditions for retaining American Indian students to reach their higher education goals
  4. Enhance American Indian culturally relevant curriculum
  5. Increase diversity on the college campuses
  6. Strengthen external collaboration by establishing and continuing partnerships with American Indian communities, school districts, and other agencies

Who Qualifies?

  1. Potential students must be an enrolled member of a federal/state recognized American Indian tribe (or in the process of obtaining a census #)
  2. Currently enrolled in high school (9-12th grade) and provide a current copy of high school transcript
  3. 2.0 or higher high school Grade Point Average (GPA)'

Hoop of Learning Locations

  • South Mountain Community College Main Campus:
    • Take classes at South Mountain Community College Main Campus (7050 S. 24th Street)
    • Take classes in Summer (5 weeks, Mon. – Thurs.), Fall, and Spring (14 weeks on Saturdays)
  • Guadalupe Center Campus:
    • Take classes at the Guadalupe Center (9233 S. Avenida del Yaqui/Priest Drive)
    • Classes take place in Summer (5 weeks, Mon – Thurs., Fall, and Spring (14 weeks on Wednesday evening)

Ready to Apply?

There are two steps to participate in the Hoop of Learning program:
Step 1: Submit the online HOOP of Learning application

  1. Make sure when applying you provide your Certification of Indian Blood documentation (CIB)
  2. You will have to create an account
  3. Video Instructions - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plyGIEq9ivQ&t=337s

Step 2: Our HOOP Coordinator will reach out to you with next steps.

Questions regarding HOOP of Learning

Main Campus: early-college@southmountaincc.edu, 602-243-8250

Guadalupe Center: kyle.mitchell@southmountaincc.edu, 602-243-8340

*Tribes are distinct political entities with political sovereignty. Tribal sovereign nations have a government-to-government relationship with the U.S. government based on historical treaties, statues, and historical relations. Arizona is a unique state with 22 federally-recognized Native American tribes located within its borders. Maricopa Community Colleges recognizes the unique sovereign status of these tribes as well as those across the United States. As such, all scholarships offered to tribally enrolled members of a sovereign nation are not based on race or ethnicity but rather acknowledgement of tribal communities' unique political status recognized by the federal government and protected by the U.S. Constitution within the United States.