Have you experienced the death of a sibling? If you have experienced the death of a brother or a sister and are over the age of 18, you may be eligible to join in a research study on the effects of a research-based play on sibling grief.
What will you be asked to do? You will be asked to attend a play performed at South Mountain Community College that lasts about an hour. You also would be asked to complete an interview that will be audio recorded. Although the time length of the interview is up to you, the interview will probably take about an hour. The interviews will be held in a private room at South Mountain Community Library. An option is available for a phone or Skype interview. We also would appreciate if you would review our conclusions to check for accuracy, which would take about an hour.
Individuals who attend the entire play and complete the interview, will receive a $20 VISA gift card as a thanks for joining in the study. In past studies, people have reported feeling better after discussing their grief. They also appreciated being able to assist investigators in understanding grief. Your participation in this research will help understand the benefits of therapeutic theatre and the nature of sibling grief. Your confidentiality will be protected. There is no cost to participate in this study. This study is being conducted by the following researchers: Amy Funk from Illinois Wesleyan University, Laurelann Porter from Benedictine University and Julie Holston from South Mountain Community College.
For more information, please contact Amy Funk at (309) 669-8773 or afunk@iwu.edu.
SMCC Play Details
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.
South Mountain Community College
Studio Theatre, Room PAC 725