SMCC Professor Featured on ASU Project “Space for Humans"

Monday, July 29, 2024
SMCC Professor Featured on ASU Project “Space for Humans"

SMCC professor Dr. L. Andrea Brownlee has been a guest on Arizona State University's videos about their "Space for Humans" project. These videos tackle vital issues of equity, diversity, and the impact of digital redlining in space exploration.

How Historical Discrimination Shapes Who Can See the Stars (Space for Humans Transmission)
How do we make space for everyone? In this series, we’re exploring how to design equitable and inclusive space futures. But we can’t look forward without looking back - at how spaces here on Earth have been divided and designed unjustly. In this video, Dr. Brownlee joins us to unpack how redlining continues to impact communities of color today.

How NASA is Empowering Diversity in the Space Industry
Power isn’t just about keeping the lights on: It’s also an important social concept that defines people’s access to opportunity. In this episode, we look at how NASA is strengthening connections with communities that have been historically underrepresented in STEM through programs like the Equity Action Plan. Because when everyone feels empowered to reach for the stars, everyone benefits!

At SMCC, Dr. Brownlee is both CIS faculty and Education and Cultural Studies Adjunct Faculty.