Bilingual Nursing Fellowship Program

Bilingual Nursing Fellowship Program

Thank you for your interest in the Bilingual Nursing Fellowship Program (BNFP).

Selective admissions to the BNFP is currently open. The BNFP application will be open until Friday, April 18, 2025. Please email if you have any questions. Information sessions about the program are taking place.

The Bilingual Nursing Fellowship Program (BNFP):

  • The BNFP is a Pre-Nursing pathway that leads towards a Maricopa Nursing program with Phoenix College (PC).
  • Students accepted into the program must take all remaining courses at SMCC (Nursing prerequisites/corequisites and Spanish medical terminology classes).
  • When finishing their prerequisites, students will submit a Maricopa Nursing application (with passing scores on the HESI A2 and a Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card) to BNFP in order to be considered for a Block 1 program with PC.
  • Students will complete the Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Applied Bilingual Spanish Language Skills (Specialization 2: Bilingual Nursing Fellowship Program (BNFP) at South Mountain Community College (SMCC) and the Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Nursing (RN) degree from Phoenix College once they complete their Nursing Blocks (4 semesters/blocks). 

MaricopaNursing is available at eight of the ten colleges within the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD): Chandler-Gilbert, Estrella Mountain, GateWay, Glendale, Mesa, Paradise Valley, Phoenix, Scottsdale

South Mountain Community College is not a member of the MaricopaNursing consortium and does not offer the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing (AAS) degree.

MaricopaNursing prerequisite and corequisite coursework is offered at SMCC.

If you would like to complete an admissions application for South Mountain Community College, you can select the following degree pathway:

  • The Associate in Arts (AA), Emphasis in Community Health provides the first two years of a four-year curriculum for students who wish to specialize in community health, integrative health, health care coordination, and related health systems fields. 
    *Please note: this degree does not prepare students to apply for Registered Nurse (RN) licensure after completion of the AA degree requirements. The degree contains many (but not all) of the MaricopaNursing prerequisite requirements.

To get an overview of the MaricopaNursing program, application requirements, and to access the online application, potential applicants are encouraged to review the MaricopaNursing website. Potential applications must attend an information session at their preferred college.

Information is subject to change at any time: 
For complete and most up to date details visit

Complete the MaricopaNursing Prerequisites. You only need these to apply! MaricopaNursing Applications are accepted year-round.

Course Prefix and Number or Admissions Requirement Course Description and Prerequisites
MAT14X or higher level math College Mathematics
ENG 101 or 107 First Year Composition
CHM130AA Fundamental Chemistry and Fundamental Chemistry Lab or one year of high school chemistry (C or better)
BIO201 Human Anatomy & Physiology I: prerequisites are BIO156, BIO181 or one year high school (HS) biology (C or better)
Program Requirements
Obtain a Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card
Complete the HESI A2 with scores of 80% or higher for English and 75% or higher for Math HESI A2 testing is available at the college Testing Centers who are members of the MaricopaNursing consortium

Apply to Maricopa Nursing – as soon as the above requirements are completed!

It is best to get in the Maricopa Nursing pool sooner rather than later.

At any time begin and complete the co-requisites for the MaricopaNursing program

Course Prefix and Number Course Description
BIO202 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIO205 Microbiology
Humanities Course Humanities (HU) 2-3 credits
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology
CRE101 Critical Reading, test exempt, or Bachelor’s degree (within 10 years of application)
ENG102 First Year Composition